Complete Examples


Disclaimer: Please note that the examples given here do not generally qualify as production calculations because the supercell size, optimization process, DMC timestep and other key parameters may not be converged. Pseudopotentials are provided “as is” and should not be trusted without explicit validation.

Complete examples of calculations performed with Nexus are provided in the following sections. These examples are intended to highlight basic features of Nexus and act as templates for future calculations. If there is an example you would like to contribute, or if you feel an example on a particular topic is needed, please contact the developer at to discuss the possibilities.

To perform the example calculations yourself, consult the examples directory in your Nexus installation:

The examples assume that you have working versions of pw.x, pw2qmcpack.x, qmcpack (real version), and qmcpack_complex (complex version) installed and in your PATH. A brief description of each example is given below.

Bulk Diamond VMC

A representative bulk calculation. A simple workflow consisting of orbital generation with PWSCF, orbital conversion with pw2qmcpack, and a short VMC calculation with QMCPACK is performed.
Graphene Sheet DMC

A representative slab calculation. The total DMC energy of a graphene “sheet” consisting of 8 atoms is computed. DFT is performed with PWSCF on the primitive cell followed by Jastrow optimization by QMCPACK and finally a supercell VMC+DMC calculation by QMCPACK.
C 20 Molecule DMC

A representative molecular calculation. The total DMC energy of an ideal C 20 molecule is computed. DFT is performed with PWSCF on a periodic cell with some vacuum surrounding the molecule. QMCPACK optimization and VMC+DMC follow on the system with open boundary conditions.

(Note that without the crystal field splitting afforded by the initial artificial periodicity, the Kohn-Sham HOMO would be degenerate, and so a production calculation would likely require more care in appropriately setting up the wavefunction.)

Oxygen Dimer DMC

An example demonstrating automation of a simple parameter scan, in this case the interparticle spacing in an oxygen dimer. The reader will gain some experience modifying Nexus user scripts to produce automated workflows.
Bulk Diamond Excited States VMC

A representative bulk excited states calculation. A simple workflow consisting of orbital generation with PWSCF, orbital conversion with pw2qmcpack, and a short VMC calculation with QMCPACK is performed.

Example 1: Bulk Diamond VMC

The files for this example are found in:


By following the instructions contained in this section the reader can execute a simple workflow with Nexus. The workflow presented here is intended to illustrate basic Nexus usage. The example workflow has three stages: (1) orbital generation in a primitive (2 atom) cell of diamond with PWSCF, (2) conversion of the orbitals from the native PWSCF format to the ESHDF format that QMCPACK reads, and (3) a minimal variational Monte Carlo (VMC) run of a 16 atom supercell of diamond with QMCPACK. The Nexus input script corresponding to this workflow is shown below.

The script is similar to the one discussed in Nexus imports, differing mainly in the name-by-name imports and the description of the physical system. Instead of reading an external VASP POSCAR file, the structure is specified in a format native to Nexus. The physical system is specified by providing the unit system (Angstrom in this case), the three vectors comprising the axes of the simulation cell, and the names and positions (Cartesian coordinates) of the atoms involved. The use of “tiling=(2,2,2)” communicates the request that a \(2\times2\times2\) supercell be constructed out of the specified 2 atom primitive cell. The k-point grid applies to the supercell and is comprised of a single k-point. The eight corresponding primitive cell images of this k-point are determined automatically by Nexus. The text “C = 4” specifies the number of valence electrons for the carbon pseudopotential. The pseudopotential files used in this example (C.BFD.*) have been adapted from an open access pseudopotential database (see for use in PWSCF and QMCPACK. Since the PhysicalSystem object, “dia16”, contains both the supercell and its equivalent folded/primitive version, the PWSCF DFT calculation will be performed in the primitive cell to save memory for the subsequent VMC calculation of the full supercell performed with QMCPACK.

#! /usr/bin/env python3

# nexus imports
from nexus import settings,Job,run_project
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_pwscf
from nexus import generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_qmcpack,vmc

# general settings for nexus
    pseudo_dir    = '../pseudopotentials',# directory with all pseudopotentials
    status_only   = 0,                    # only show status of runs
    generate_only = 0,                    # only make input files
    sleep         = 3,                    # check on runs every 3 seconds
    machine       = 'ws16'                # local machine is 16 core workstation

# generate diamond structure
dia16 = generate_physical_system(
    units  = 'A',                      # Angstrom units
    axes   = [[1.785,1.785,0.   ],     # cell axes
              [0.   ,1.785,1.785],
              [1.785,0.   ,1.785]],
    elem   = ['C','C'],                # 2 C atoms
    pos    = [[0.    ,0.    ,0.    ],  # atomic positions
    tiling = (2,2,2),                  # tile to 16 atom cell
    kgrid  = (1,1,1),                  # single supercell k-point
    kshift = (0,0,0),                  #  at gamma
    C      = 4                         # pseudo-C (4 val. elec.)

# scf run produces orbitals
scf = generate_pwscf(
    identifier   = 'scf',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'diamond/scf',   # directory for scf run
    job          = Job(cores=16,app='pw.x'),
    input_type   = 'generic',
    calculation  = 'scf',           # perform scf calculation
    input_dft    = 'lda',           # dft functional
    ecutwfc      = 200,             # planewave energy cutoff
    conv_thr     = 1e-8,            # scf convergence threshold
    nosym        = True,            # don't use symmetry
    wf_collect   = True,            # write orbitals
    system       = dia16,           # run diamond system
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],   # pwscf PP for C

# convert orbitals for qmcpack
conv = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'conv',          # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'diamond/scf',   # directory for conv job
    job          = Job(cores=1,app='pw2qmcpack.x'),
    write_psir   = False,           # output in k-space
    dependencies = (scf,'orbitals') # get orbitals from scf

# vmc run
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'vmc',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'diamond/vmc',   # directory for vmc run
    job          = Job(cores=16,threads=4,app='qmcpack'),
    input_type   = 'basic',
    system       = dia16,           # run diamond system
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.xml'],   # qmcpack PP for C
    jastrows     = [],              # no jastrows, test run
    calculations = [
        vmc(                        # vmc inputs
            walkers     =   1,      #  one walker per core
            warmupsteps =  20,      #  20 steps before measurement
            blocks      = 200,      #  200 blocks
            steps       =  10,      #   of 10 MC steps each
            substeps    =   2,      #   2 substeps w/o measurement
            timestep    =  .4       #  0.4/Ha timestep
    dependencies = (conv,'orbitals')# get orbitals from conv job

# nexus monitors all runs

To fully execute the usage example provided here, copies of PWSCF, QMCPACK, and the orbital converter pw2qmcpack will need to be installed on the local machine. The example assumes that the executables are in the user’s PATH and are named pw.x, qmcpack, and pw2qmcpack.x. See Helpful Links for Installing Electronic Structure Codes for download and installation instructions for these codes. A test of Nexus including the generation of input files, but without actual job submission, can be performed without installing these codes. However, Python itself and NumPy are required to run Nexus (see Helpful Links for Installing Python Modules. The example also assumes the local machine is a workstation with 16 available cores (“ws16”). If fewer than 16 cores are available, e.g. 4, change the example files to reflect this: ws16\(\rightarrow\)ws4, Job(cores=16,\ldots)\(\rightarrow\)Job(cores=4,\ldots).

In this example, we will run Nexus in three different modes:

  1. status mode: print the status of each simulation and then exit (status_only=1).

  2. generate mode: generate input files but do not execute workflows (generate_only=1).

  3. execute mode: execute workflows by submitting jobs and monitoring simulation progress (status_only=0, generate_only=0).

Only the last mode requires executables for PWSCF and QMCPACK.

First, run Nexus in status mode. Enter the examples/qmcpack/diamond directory, open with a text editor and set “status_only=1”. Run the script by typing “./” at the command line and inspect the output. The output should be similar to the text below (without the comments):

  reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.upf  # dft PP found
  reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.xml  # qmc PP found

Project starting
checking for file collisions        # files do not overlap
loading cascade images              # load saved workflow state
  cascade 0 checking in             # only one workflow/cascade
checking cascade dependencies       # match producers/consumers
  all simulation dependencies satisfied
cascade status
  setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed
  000000  scf  ./runs/diamond/scf   # no work has been done yet
  000000  conv  ./runs/diamond/scf  # for any of the
  000000  vmc  ./runs/diamond/vmc   # three simulations
  setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed

The binary string “000000” indicates that none of the six stages of simulation progression have been completed. These stages correpond to the following actions/states: writing input files (“setup”), copying pseudopotential files (“sent_files”), submitting simulation jobs for execution (“submitted”), the completion of a simulation job (“finished”), collecting output files (“got_output”), and preprocessing output files for later analysis (“analyzed”) . In a production setting, this mode is useful for checking the status of current workflows/cascades prior to adding new ones. It is also useful in general for detecting any problems with the Nexus input script itself.

Next, run the example in generate mode. Set “status_only =0” and “generate_only =1”, then run the example script again. Instead of showing workflow status, Nexus will now perform a dry run of the workflows by generating all of the run directories and input files. The output should contain text similar to what is shown below:

starting runs:                      # start submitting jobs
poll 0  memory 60.45 MB             # first poll cycle
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0     # scf job
    writing input files  0 scf      # input file written
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0
    sending required files  0 scf   # PP files copied
    submitting job  0 scf           # job is in virtual queue
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0
    Would have executed:            # shows submission command
      export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1      # does not execute
      mpirun -np 16 pw.x -input

poll 1  memory 60.72 MB
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0
    copying results  0 scf          # output file copying stage
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 0
    analyzing  0 scf                # output analysis stage

poll 2  memory 60.73 MB             # third poll cycle
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 1     # similar for conv job
    writing input files  1 conv
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 1
    sending required files  1 conv
    submitting job  1 conv
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 1
    Would have executed:
      export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
      mpirun -np 1 pw2qmcpack.x<

poll 3  memory 60.73 MB
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 1
    copying results  1 conv
  Entering ./runs/diamond/scf 1
    analyzing  1 conv

poll 4  memory 60.73 MB             # fifth poll cycle
  Entering ./runs/diamond/vmc 2     # similar for vmc job
    writing input files  2 vmc
  Entering ./runs/diamond/vmc 2
    sending required files  2 vmc
    submitting job  2 vmc
  Entering ./runs/diamond/vmc 2
    Would have executed:
      export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
      mpirun -np 4 qmcpack

poll 5  memory 60.78 MB
  Entering ./runs/diamond/vmc 2
    copying results  2 vmc
  Entering ./runs/diamond/vmc 2
    analyzing  2 vmc

Project finished                      # jobs finished

The output describes the progress of each simulation. The run submission commands are also clearly shown as well as the amount of memory used by Nexus. There should now be a “runs” directory containing the generated input files with the following structure:

\-- diamond               # main diamond directory
    |-- scf               #  scf directory
    |-- |-- C.BFD.upf     #   pwscf PP file
    |-- |--       #   conv job input file
    |-- |-- pwscf_output  #   pwscf output directory
    |-- |--        #   scf job input file
    |-- |-- sim_conv      #   nexus directory for conv
    |-- |-- |-- input.p   #    stored input object
    |-- |-- \-- sim.p     #    simulation status file
    |-- \-- sim_scf       #   nexus directory for scf
    |--     |-- input.p   #    stored input object
    |--     \-- sim.p     #    simulation status file
    \-- vmc               #  vmc directory
        |-- C.BFD.xml     #   qmcpack PP file
        |-- sim_vmc       #   nexus directory for vmc
        |-- |-- input.p   #    stored input object
        |-- \-- sim.p     #    simulation status file
        \--    #   vmc job input file

The “sim.p” files record the state of each simulation. Inspect the input files generated by Nexus (,, and Compare the files with the input provided to Nexus in

Finally, run the example in execute mode. Remove the “runs” and “results” directories, set “status_only =0” and “generate_only =0”, and rerun the script. The output shown should be similar to what was seen for generate mode, only now there may be multiple workflow polls while a particular simulation is running. The “sleep” keyword controls how often the polls occur (every 3 seconds in this example). Note that the Nexus host process sleeps in between polls so that a minimum of computational resources are occupied. Once “Project finished” is displayed, all the simulation runs should be complete. Confirm the success of the runs by checking the output files. The text “JOB DONE.” should appear near the end of the PWSCF output file scf.out. QMCPACK has completed successfully if “Total Execution time” appears near the end of the output in vmc.out.

Example 2: Graphene Sheet DMC

The files for this example are found in:


Take a moment to study the “input file” script ( and the attendant comments (prefixed with #).

#! /usr/bin/env python3

from nexus import settings,Job,run_project
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_pwscf
from nexus import generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_qmcpack
from nexus import loop,linear,vmc,dmc

# general settings for nexus
    pseudo_dir    = '../pseudopotentials',# directory with all pseudopotentials
    sleep         = 3,                    # check on runs every 'sleep' seconds
    generate_only = 0,                    # only make input files
    status_only   = 0,                    # only show status of runs
    machine       = 'ws16',               # local machine is 16 core workstation

# generate the graphene physical system
graphene = generate_physical_system(
    lattice   = 'hexagonal',      # hexagonal cell shape
    cell      = 'primitive',      # primitive cell
    centering = 'P',              # primitive basis centering
    constants = (2.462,10.0),     # a,c constants
    units     = 'A',              # in Angstrom
    atoms     = ('C','C'),        # C primitive atoms
    basis     = [[ 0  , 0  , 0],  # basis vectors
                 [2./3,1./3, 0]],
    tiling    = (2,2,1),          # tiling of primitive cell
    kgrid     = (1,1,1),          # Monkhorst-Pack grid
    kshift    = (.5,.5,.5),       # and shift
    C         = 4                 # C has 4 valence electrons

# list of simulations in workflow
sims = []

# scf run produces charge density
scf = generate_pwscf(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'scf',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'graphene/scf',  # directory for scf run
    job          = Job(cores=16),   # run on 16 cores
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],   # pwscf PP file
    system       = graphene,        # run graphene
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'scf',           # scf, nscf, relax, or generic
    # pwscf input parameters
    input_dft    = 'lda',           # dft functional
    ecut         =  150 ,           # planewave energy cutoff (Ry)
    conv_thr     =  1e-6,           # scf convergence threshold (Ry)
    mixing_beta  =    .7,           # charge mixing factor
    kgrid        = (8,8,8),         # MP grid of primitive cell
    kshift       = (1,1,1),         #  to converge charge density
    wf_collect   = False,           # don't collect orbitals
    use_folded   = True             # use primitive rep of graphene

# nscf run to produce orbitals for jastrow optimization
nscf_opt = generate_pwscf(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'nscf',          # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'graphene/nscf_opt', # directory for nscf run
    job          = Job(cores=16),   # run on 16 cores
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],   # pwscf PP file
    system       = graphene,        # run graphene
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'nscf',          # scf, nscf, relax, or generic
    # pwscf input parameters
    input_dft    = 'lda',           # dft functional
    ecut         =  150 ,           # planewave energy cutoff (Ry)
    conv_thr     =  1e-6,           # scf convergence threshold (Ry)
    mixing_beta  =    .7,           # charge mixing factor
    nosym        = True,            # don't symmetrize k-points
    use_folded   = True,            # use primitive rep of graphene
    wf_collect   = True,            # write out orbitals
    kgrid        = (1,1,1),         # single k-point for opt
    kshift       = (0,0,0),         # gamma point
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (scf,'charge_density')

# orbital conversion job for jastrow optimization
p2q_opt = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'p2q',
    path         = 'graphene/nscf_opt',
    job          = Job(cores=1),
    # pw2qmcpack input parameters
    write_psir   = False,
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (nscf_opt,'orbitals')

# Jastrow optimization
opt = generate_qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'opt',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'graphene/opt',  # directory for opt run
    job          = Job(cores=16,app='qmcpack'),
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.xml'],   # qmcpack PP file
    system       = graphene,        # run graphene
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'basic',
    # qmcpack input parameters
    corrections  = [],
    jastrows     = [('J1','bspline',8),   # 1 body bspline jastrow
                    ('J2','bspline',8)],  # 2 body bspline jastrow
    calculations = [
        loop(max = 6,                        # No. of loop iterations
             qmc = linear(                   # linearized optimization method
                energy               =  0.0, # cost function
                unreweightedvariance =  1.0, #   is all unreweighted variance
                reweightedvariance   =  0.0, #   no energy or r.w. var.
                timestep             =  0.5, # vmc timestep (1/Ha)
                warmupsteps          =  100, # MC steps before data collected
                samples              = 16000,# samples used for cost function
                stepsbetweensamples  =   10, # steps between uncorr. samples
                blocks               =   10, # ignore this
                minwalkers           =   0.1,#  and this
                bigchange            =  15.0,#  and this
                alloweddifference    =  1e-4 #  and this, for now
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (p2q_opt,'orbitals')

# nscf run to produce orbitals for final dmc
nscf = generate_pwscf(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'nscf',          # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'graphene/nscf', # directory for nscf run
    job          = Job(cores=16),   # run on 16 cores
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],   # pwscf PP file
    system       = graphene,        # run graphene
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'nscf',          # scf, nscf, relax, or generic
    # pwscf input parameters
    input_dft    = 'lda',           # dft functional
    ecut         =  150 ,           # planewave energy cutoff (Ry)
    conv_thr     =  1e-6,           # scf convergence threshold (Ry)
    mixing_beta  =    .7,           # charge mixing factor
    nosym        = True,            # don't symmetrize k-points
    use_folded   = True,            # use primitive rep of graphene
    wf_collect   = True,            # write out orbitals
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (scf,'charge_density')

# orbital conversion job for final dmc
p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'p2q',
    path         = 'graphene/nscf',
    job          = Job(cores=1),
    # pw2qmcpack input parameters
    write_psir   = False,
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (nscf,'orbitals')

# final dmc run
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'qmc',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'graphene/qmc',  # directory for dmc run
    job          = Job(cores=16,app='qmcpack'),
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.xml'],   # qmcpack PP file
    system       = graphene,        # run graphene
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'basic',
    # qmcpack input parameters
    corrections  = [],              # no finite size corrections
    jastrows     = [],              # overwritten from opt
    calculations = [                # qmcpack input parameters for qmc
        vmc(                        # vmc parameters
            timestep      = 0.5,    # vmc timestep (1/Ha)
            warmupsteps   = 100,    # No. of MC steps before data is collected
            blocks        = 200,    # No. of data blocks recorded in scalar.dat
            steps         =  10,    # No. of steps per block
            substeps      =   3,    # MC steps taken w/o computing E_local
            samplesperthread = 40   # No. of dmc walkers per thread
        dmc(                        # dmc parameters
            timestep      = 0.01,   # dmc timestep (1/Ha)
            warmupsteps   =  50,    # No. of MC steps before data is collected
            blocks        = 400,    # No. of data blocks recorded in scalar.dat
            steps         =   5,    # No. of steps per block
            nonlocalmoves = True    # use Casula's T-moves
            ),                      #  (retains variational principle for NLPP's)
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = [(p2q,'orbitals'),

# nexus monitors all runs

# print out the total energy
performed_runs = not settings.generate_only and not settings.status_only
if performed_runs:
    # get the qmcpack analyzer object
    # it contains all of the statistically analyzed data from the run
    qa = qmc.load_analyzer_image()
    # get the local energy from dmc.dat
    le = qa.dmc[1].dmc.LocalEnergy  # dmc series 1, dmc.dat, local energy
    #  print the total energy for the 8 atom system
    print 'The DMC ground state energy for graphene is:'
    print '    {0} +/- {1} Ha'.format(le.mean,le.error)
#end if

To run the example, navigate to the example directory and type


or, alternatively,

python ./

You should see output like this (without the added # comments):

Pseudopotentials   # reading pseudopotential files
    reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.upf
    reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.xml

Project starting
  checking for file collisions  # ensure created files don't overlap
  loading cascade images        # load previous simulation state
    cascade 0 checking in
  checking cascade dependencies # ensure sim.'s have needed dep.'s
    all simulation dependencies satisfied

  starting runs:                # start submitting jobs
  poll 0  memory 56.28 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/scf 0      # scf job
      writing input files  0 scf        # input file written
    Entering ./runs/graphene/scf 0
      sending required files  0 scf     # PP files copied
      submitting job  0 scf             # job is in virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/graphene/scf 0
      Executing:                        # job executed on workstation
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
        mpirun -np 16 pw.x -input

  poll 1  memory 56.30 MB               # waiting for job to finish
  poll 2  memory 56.30 MB
  poll 3  memory 56.30 MB
  poll 4  memory 56.30 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/scf 0
      copying results  0 scf            # job is finished, copy results
    Entering ./runs/graphene/scf 0
      analyzing  0 scf                  # analyze output data

                                        # now do the same for
                                        # nscf job for Jastrow opt
                                        #   single k-point
                                        # nscf job for VMC/DMC
                                        #   multiple k-points

  poll 5  memory 56.31 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/nscf 1     # nscf dmc
      writing input files  1 nscf
    Entering ./runs/graphene/nscfopt 4  # nscf opt
      writing input files  4 nscf

                                        # now convert KS orbitals
                                        # to eshdf format
                                        # with pw2qmcpack.x
                                        # for nscf opt & nscf dmc

  poll 7  memory 56.32 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/nscf 2     # convert dmc orbitals
      sending required files  2 p2q
    Entering ./runs/graphene/nscfopt 4  # convert opt orbitals
      copying results  4 nscf

  poll 10  memory 56.32 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/opt 6      # submit jastrow opt
      writing input files  6 opt        # write input file
    Entering ./runs/graphene/opt 6
      sending required files  6 opt     # copy PP files
      submitting job  6 opt             # job is in virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/graphene/opt 6
      Executing:                        # run qmcpack
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1        # w/ complex arithmetic
        mpirun -np 16 qmcpack_complex

  poll 11  memory 56.32 MB
  poll 12  memory 56.32 MB
  poll 13  memory 56.32 MB
  poll 793  memory 56.32 MB   # qmcpack opt finishes
  poll 794  memory 56.32 MB   # nearly an hour later
  poll 795  memory 56.32 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/opt 6
      copying results  6 opt            # copy output files
    Entering ./runs/graphene/opt 6
      analyzing  6 opt                  # analyze the results

  poll 796  memory 56.41 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/qmc 3      # submit dmc
      writing input files  3 qmc        # write input file
    Entering ./runs/graphene/qmc 3
      sending required files  3 qmc     # copy PP files
      submitting job  3 qmc             # job is in virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/graphene/qmc 3
      Executing:                        # run qmcpack
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
        mpirun -np 16 qmcpack_complex

  poll 797  memory 57.31 MB
  poll 798  memory 57.31 MB
  poll 799  memory 57.31 MB
  poll 1041  memory 57.31 MB   # qmcpack dmc finishes
  poll 1042  memory 57.31 MB   # about 15 minutes later
  poll 1043  memory 57.31 MB
    Entering ./runs/graphene/qmc 3
      copying results  3 qmc            # copy output files
    Entering ./runs/graphene/qmc 3
      analyzing  3 qmc                  # analyze the results

Project finished                        # all jobs are finished

The DMC ground state energy for graphene is:
    -45.824960552 +/- 0.00498990689364 Ha    # one value from
                                             # qmcpack analyzer

If successful, you have just performed a start-to-finish DMC calculation. The total energy quoted above probably will not match the one you produce due to different compilation environments and the probabilistic nature of DMC. They should not, however differ by three sigma.

Take some time to inspect the input files generated by Nexus and the output files from PWSCF and QMCPACK. The runs were performed in sub-directories of the runs directory. The order of execution of the simulations is roughly scf, nscf, nscfopt, opt, then qmc.

└── graphene_test
    ├── nscf
    │   ├──
    │   └── nscf.out
    ├── nscfopt
    │   ├──
    │   └── nscf.out
    ├── opt
    │   ├──
    │   └── opt.out
    ├── qmc
    │   ├──
    │   └── qmc.out
    └── scf
        └── scf.out

The directories above contain all the files generated by the simulations. Often one only wants to save the files with the most important data, which are generally small. These are copied to the results directory which mirrors the structure of runs.

└── runs
    └── graphene_test
        ├── nscf
        │   ├──
        │   └── nscf.out
        ├── nscfopt
        │   ├──
        │   └── nscf.out
        ├── opt
        │   ├──
        │   └── opt.out
        ├── qmc
        │   ├──
        │   └── qmc.out
        └── scf
            └── scf.out

Although this QMC run was performed at a single k-point, a twist-averaged run could be performed simply by changing kgrid in generate_physical_system from (1,1,1) to (4,4,1), or similar.

Example 3: C 20 Molecule DMC

The files for this example are found in:


Take a moment to study the “input file” script ( and the attendant comments (prefixed with #). The relevant differences from the graphene example mostly involve how the structure is procured (it is read from an XYZ file rather than being generated), the boundary conditions (open BC’s, see bconds in the QMCPACK input parameters), and the workflow involved.

#! /usr/bin/env python3

from nexus import settings,Job,run_project
from nexus import Structure,PhysicalSystem
from nexus import generate_pwscf
from nexus import generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_qmcpack
from nexus import loop,linear,vmc,dmc

# general settings for nexus
    pseudo_dir    = '../pseudopotentials',# directory with all pseudopotentials
    sleep         = 3,                    # check on runs every 'sleep' seconds
    generate_only = 0,                    # only make input files
    status_only   = 0,                    # only show status of runs
    machine       = 'ws16',               # local machine is 16 core workstation

#generate the C20 physical system
# specify the xyz file
structure_file = ''
# make an empty structure object
structure = Structure()
# read in the xyz file
# place a bounding box around the structure
    box   = 'cubic',         # cube shaped cell
    scale = 1.5              # 50% extra space
# make it a gamma point cell
    kgrid      = (1,1,1),    # Monkhorst-Pack grid
    kshift     = (0,0,0)     # and shift
# add electronic information
c20 = PhysicalSystem(
    structure = structure,   # C20 structure
    net_charge = 0,          # net charge in units of e
    net_spin   = 0,          # net spin in units of e-spin
    C          = 4           # C has 4 valence electrons

# list of simulations in workflow
sims = []

# scf run produces charge density
scf = generate_pwscf(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'scf',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'c20/scf',       # directory for scf run
    job          = Job(cores=16),   # run on 16 cores
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],   # pwscf PP file
    system       = c20,             # run c20
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'scf',           # scf, nscf, relax, or generic
    # pwscf input parameters
    input_dft    = 'lda',           # dft functional
    ecut         =  150 ,           # planewave energy cutoff (Ry)
    conv_thr     =  1e-6,           # scf convergence threshold (Ry)
    mixing_beta  =    .7,           # charge mixing factor
    nosym        = True,            # don't use symmetry
    wf_collect   = True,            # write out orbitals

# orbital conversion job for opt and dmc
p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'p2q',
    path         = 'c20/nscf',
    job          = Job(cores=1),
    # pw2qmcpack input parameters
    write_psir   = False,
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (scf,'orbitals')

# Jastrow optimization
opt = generate_qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'opt',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'c20/opt',       # directory for opt run
    job          = Job(cores=16,app='qmcpack'),
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.xml'],   # qmcpack PP file
    system       = c20,             # run c20
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'basic',
    # qmcpack input parameters
    corrections  = [],
    jastrows     = [('J1','bspline',8,6),   # 1 body bspline jastrow
                    ('J2','bspline',8,8)],  # 2 body bspline jastrow
    calculations = [
        loop(max = 6,                        # No. of loop iterations
             qmc = linear(                   # linearized optimization method
                energy               =  0.0, # cost function
                unreweightedvariance =  1.0, #   is all unreweighted variance
                reweightedvariance   =  0.0, #   no energy or r.w. var.
                timestep             =  0.5, # vmc timestep (1/Ha)
                warmupsteps          =  100, # MC steps before data collected
                samples              = 16000,# samples used for cost function
                stepsbetweensamples  =   10, # steps between uncorr. samples
                blocks               =   10, # ignore this
                minwalkers           =   0.1,#  and this
                bigchange            =  15.0,#  and this
                alloweddifference    =  1e-4 #  and this, for now
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = (p2q,'orbitals')

# final dmc run
qmc = generate_qmcpack(
    # nexus inputs
    identifier   = 'qmc',           # identifier/file prefix
    path         = 'c20/qmc',  # directory for dmc run
    job          = Job(cores=16,app='qmcpack'),
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.xml'],   # qmcpack PP file
    system       = c20,             # run c20
    # input format selector
    input_type   = 'basic',
    # qmcpack input parameters
    corrections  = [],              # no finite size corrections
    jastrows     = [],              # overwritten from opt
    calculations = [                # qmcpack input parameters for qmc
        vmc(                        # vmc parameters
            timestep      = 0.5,    # vmc timestep (1/Ha)
            warmupsteps   = 100,    # No. of MC steps before data is collected
            blocks        = 200,    # No. of data blocks recorded in scalar.dat
            steps         =  10,    # No. of steps per block
            substeps      =   3,    # MC steps taken w/o computing E_local
            samplesperthread = 40   # No. of dmc walkers per thread
        dmc(                        # dmc parameters
            timestep      = 0.01,   # dmc timestep (1/Ha)
            warmupsteps   =  50,    # No. of MC steps before data is collected
            blocks        = 400,    # No. of data blocks recorded in scalar.dat
            steps         =   5,    # No. of steps per block
            nonlocalmoves = True    # use Casula's T-moves
            ),                      #  (retains variational principle for NLPP's)
    # workflow dependencies
    dependencies = [(p2q,'orbitals'),

# nexus monitors all runs

# print out the total energy
performed_runs = not settings.generate_only and not settings.status_only
if performed_runs:
    # get the qmcpack analyzer object
    # it contains all of the statistically analyzed data from the run
    qa = qmc.load_analyzer_image()
    # get the local energy from dmc.dat
    le = qa.dmc[1].dmc.LocalEnergy  # dmc series 1, dmc.dat, local energy
    #  print the total energy for the 20 atom system
    print 'The DMC ground state energy for C20 is:'
    print '    {0} +/- {1} Ha'.format(le.mean,le.error)
#end if

To run the example, navigate to the example directory and type


or, alternatively,

python ./

You should see output like this (without the added # comments):

Pseudopotentials   # reading pseudopotential files
    reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.upf
    reading pp:  ../pseudopotentials/C.BFD.xml

Project starting
  checking for file collisions  # ensure created files don't overlap
  loading cascade images        # load previous simulation state
    cascade 0 checking in
  checking cascade dependencies # ensure sim.'s have needed dep.'s
    all simulation dependencies satisfied

  starting runs:                # start submitting jobs
  poll 0  memory 56.21 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 0       # scf job
      writing input files  0 scf    # input file written
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 0
      sending required files  0 scf # PP files copied
      submitting job  0 scf         # job is in the virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 0
      Executing:                    # job executed on workstation
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
        mpirun -np 16 pw.x -input

  poll 1  memory 56.23 MB           # waiting for job to finish
  poll 2  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 3  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 4  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 5  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 6  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 7  memory 56.23 MB
  poll 8  memory 56.23 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 0
      copying results  0 scf        # job is finished, copy results
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 0
      analyzing  0 scf              # analyze output data

  poll 9  memory 56.23 MB           # now convert KS orbitals
    Entering ./runs/c20/scf 1       # to eshdf format
      writing input files  1 p2q    # with pw2qmcpack.x

  poll 12  memory 56.23 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/opt 3       # submit jastrow opt
      writing input files  3 opt    # write input file
    Entering ./runs/c20/opt 3
      sending required files  3 opt # copy PP files
      submitting job  3 opt         # job is in virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/c20/opt 3
      Executing:                    # run qmcpack
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1    # w/ real arithmetic
        mpirun -np 16 qmcpack

  poll 13  memory 56.24 MB
  poll 14  memory 56.24 MB
  poll 15  memory 56.24 MB
  poll 204  memory 56.24 MB   # qmcpack opt finishes
  poll 205  memory 56.24 MB   # about 10 minutes later
  poll 206  memory 56.24 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/opt 3
      copying results  3 opt        # copy output files
    Entering ./runs/c20/opt 3
      analyzing  3 opt              # analyze the results

  poll 207  memory 56.27 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/qmc 2       # submit dmc
      writing input files  2 qmc    # write input file
    Entering ./runs/c20/qmc 2
      sending required files  2 qmc # copy PP files
      submitting job  2 qmc         # job is in virtual queue
    Entering ./runs/c20/qmc 2
      Executing:                    # run qmcpack
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
        mpirun -np 16 qmcpack

  poll 208  memory 56.49 MB
  poll 209  memory 56.49 MB
  poll 210  memory 56.49 MB
  poll 598  memory 56.49 MB   # qmcpack dmc finishes
  poll 599  memory 56.49 MB   # about 20 minutes later
  poll 600  memory 56.49 MB
    Entering ./runs/c20/qmc 2
      copying results  2 qmc        # copy output files
    Entering ./runs/c20/qmc 2
      analyzing  2 qmc              # analyze the results

Project finished                    # all jobs are finished

The DMC ground state energy for C20 is:
    -112.890695404 +/- 0.0151688786226 Ha  # one value from
                                           # qmcpack analyzer

Again, the total energy quoted above probably will not match the one you produce due to different compilation environments and the probabilistic nature of QMC. The results should still be statistically comparable.

The directory trees generated by Nexus for C 20 have a similar structure to the graphene example. Note the absence of the nscf runs. The order of execution of the simulations is scf, opt, then qmc.

└── c20_test
    ├── opt
    │   ├──
    │   └── opt.out
    ├── qmc
    │   ├──
    │   └── qmc.out
    └── scf
        └── scf.out
└── runs
    └── c20_test
        ├── opt
        │   ├──
        │   └── opt.out
        ├── qmc
        │   ├──
        │   └── qmc.out
        └── scf
            └── scf.out

Example 4 Automated oxygen dimer binding curve

The files for this example are found in:


Enter the examples/qmcpack/oxygen_dimer directory. Open with a text editor. The overall format is similar to the example file shown in the prior sections. The header material, including Nexus imports, settings, and the job parameters for QMC are nearly identical.

Following the job parameters, inputs for the optimization method are given. The keywords are identical to the parameters of QMCPACK’s XML input file.

linopt1 = linear(
    energy               = 0.0,
    unreweightedvariance = 1.0,
    reweightedvariance   = 0.0,
    timestep             = 0.4,
    samples              = 5000,
    warmupsteps          = 50,
    blocks               = 200,
    substeps             = 1,
    nonlocalpp           = True,
    usebuffer            = True,
    walkers              = 1,
    minwalkers           = 0.5,
    maxweight            = 1e9,
    usedrift             = True,
    minmethod            = 'quartic',
    beta                 = 0.025,
    exp0                 = -16,
    bigchange            = 15.0,
    alloweddifference    = 1e-4,
    stepsize             = 0.2,
    stabilizerscale      = 1.0,
    nstabilizers         = 3

Requesting multiple loop’s with different numbers of samples is more compact than in the native XML input file:

linopt1 = ...

linopt2 = linopt1.copy()
linopt2.samples = 20000 # opt w/ 20000 samples

linopt3 = linopt1.copy()
linopt3.samples = 40000 # opt w/ 40000 samples

opt_calcs = [loop(max=8,qmc=linopt1), # loops over opt's

The VMC/DMC method inputs also mirror the XML:

qmc_calcs = [
        walkers     =   1,
        warmupsteps =  30,
        blocks      =  20,
        steps       =  10,
        substeps    =   2,
        timestep    =  .4,
        samples     = 2048
        warmupsteps   = 100,
        blocks        = 400,
        steps         =  32,
        timestep      = 0.01,
        nonlocalmoves = True

As in the prior examples, the oxygen dimer is generated with the generate_physical_system function:

dimer = generate_physical_system(
    type       = 'dimer',
    dimer      = ('O','O'),
    separation = 1.2074*scale,
    Lbox       = 15.0,
    units      = 'A',
    net_spin   = 2,
    O          = 6

Similar syntax can be used to generate crystal structures or to specify systems with arbitrary atomic configurations and simulation cells. Notice that a “scale” variable has been introduced to stretch or compress the dimer.

Next, objects representing DFT calculations and orbital conversions are constructed with the generate_pwscf and generate_pw2qmcpack functions.

scf = generate_pwscf(
    identifier   = 'scf',

p2q = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'p2q',
    dependencies = (scf,'orbitals')

Finally, objects representing QMCPACK simulations are constructed with the generate_qmcpack function:

Finally, objects representing QMCPACK simulations are constructed with the generate_qmcpack function:

opt = generate_qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'opt',
    jastrows     = [('J1','bspline',8,4.5),
    calculations = opt_calcs,
    dependencies = (p2q,'orbitals')

qmc = generate_qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'qmc',
    jastrows     = [],
    calculations = qmc_calcs,
    dependencies = [(p2q,'orbitals'),

Shared details such as the run directory, job, pseudopotentials, and orbital file have been omitted (...). The “opt” run will optimize a 1-body B-spline Jastrow with 8 knots having a cutoff of 4.5 Bohr and a 2-body Padé Jastrow with up-up and up-down “B” parameters set to 0.5 1/Bohr. The Jastrow list for the DMC run is empty and a new keyword is present: dependencies. The usage of dependencies above indicates that the DMC run depends on the optimization run for the Jastrow factor. Nexus will submit the “opt” run first and upon completion it will scan the output, select the optimal set of parameters, pass the Jastrow information to the “qmc” run and then submit the DMC job. Independent job workflows are submitted in parallel when permitted. No input files are written or job submissions made until the “run_project” function is reached.

As written, will only perform calculations at the equilibrium separation distance of 1.2074 Angstrom. Modify the file now to perform DMC calculations across a range of separation distances with each DMC run using the Jastrow factor optimized at the equilibrium separation distance. The necessary Python for loop syntax should look something like this:

sims = []
for scale in [1.00,0.90,0.95,1.05,1.10]:
    dimer = ...
    if scale==1.00:
        opt = ...
    #end if
    qmc = ...
#end for

Note that the text inside the for loop and the if block must be indented by precisely four spaces. If you use Emacs, changes in indentation can be performed easily with Cntrl-C > and Cntrl-C < after highlighting a block of text (other editors should have similar functionality).

Change the “status_only” parameter in the “settings” function to 1 and type “./” at the command line. This will print the status of all simulations:

Project starting
  checking for file collisions
  loading cascade images
    cascade 0 checking in
  checking cascade dependencies
    all simulation dependencies satisfied
  cascade status
    setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed
    000000  scf  ./scale_1.0
    000000  scf  ./scale_0.9
    000000  scf  ./scale_0.95
    000000  scf  ./scale_1.05
    000000  scf  ./scale_1.1
    000000  p2q  ./scale_1.0
    000000  p2q  ./scale_0.9
    000000  p2q  ./scale_0.95
    000000  p2q  ./scale_1.05
    000000  p2q  ./scale_1.1
    000000  opt  ./scale_1.0
    000000  qmc  ./scale_1.0
    000000  qmc  ./scale_0.9
    000000  qmc  ./scale_0.95
    000000  qmc  ./scale_1.05
    000000  qmc  ./scale_1.1
    setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed

In this case, a single independent simulation “cascade” (workflow) has been identified, containing one “opt” and five dependent “qmc” runs. The six status flags (setup, sent_files, submitted, finished, got_output, analyzed) each show 0, indicating that no work has been done yet.

Now change “status_only” back to 0, set “generate_only” to 1, and run again. This will perform a dry-run of all simulations. The dry-run should finish in about 20 seconds:

Project starting
  checking for file collisions
  loading cascade images
    cascade 0 checking in
  checking cascade dependencies
    all simulation dependencies satisfied

  starting runs:
  poll 0  memory 88.54 MB
    Entering ./scale_1.0 0
      writing input files  0 opt
    Entering ./scale_1.0 0
      sending required files  0 opt
      submitting job  0 opt
    Entering ./scale_1.0 1
      Would have executed:  qsub --mode script --env BG_SHAREDMEMSIZE=32

  poll 1  memory 88.54 MB
    Entering ./scale_1.0 0
      copying results  0 opt
    Entering ./scale_1.0 0
      analyzing  0 opt

  poll 2  memory 88.87 MB
    Entering ./scale_1.0 1
      writing input files  1 qmc
    Entering ./scale_1.0 1
      sending required files  1 qmc
      submitting job  1 qmc
    Entering ./scale_1.0 2
      Would have executed:  qsub --mode script --env BG_SHAREDMEMSIZE=32

Project finished

Nexus polls the simulation status every 3 seconds and sleeps in between. The scale_ directories should now contain several files:

├── O2.pwscf.h5
├── O.BFD.xml
├── sim_opt
│   ├── analyzer.p
│   ├── input.p
│   └── sim.p
└── sim_qmc
    ├── analyzer.p
    ├── input.p
    └── sim.p

Take a minute to inspect the generated input (, and submission (, files. The pseudopotential file O.BFD.xml has been copied into each local directory. Two additional directories have been created: sim_opt and sim_qmc. The sim.p files in each directory contain the current status of each simulation. If you run again, it should not attempt to rerun any of the simulations:

Project starting
  checking for file collisions
  loading cascade images
    cascade 0 checking in
    cascade 8 checking in
    cascade 2 checking in
    cascade 4 checking in
    cascade 6 checking in
  checking cascade dependencies
    all simulation dependencies satisfied

  starting runs:
  poll 0  memory 60.10 MB
Project finished

This way one can continue to add to the file (e.g. adding more separation distances) without worrying about duplicate job submissions.

Now actually submit the optimization and DMC jobs. Reset the state of the simulations by removing the sim.p files (“rm ./scale*/sim*/sim.p”), set “generate_only” to 0, and rerun It should take about 15 minutes for all the jobs to complete. You may wish to open another terminal to monitor the progress of the individual jobs while the current terminal runs in the foreground.

After completion, try expanding to the full set of “scale” values:[0.90,0.925,0.95,0.975,1.00,1.025,1.05,1.075,1.10]. Nexus should only run the workflows that correspond to new values. In this way, Nexus scripts can be expanded over time to include new aspects of growing projects.

Example 5: Bulk Diamond Excited States VMC

The files for this example are found in:


Please study Lab 5 in QMCPACK manual for an in-depth discussion of the excited states calculations. The primitive cell for a structure is not unique, therefore it must be standardized to generate reproducible Brillouin zones (BZ). For this end, we use “SeeK-Path” python libraries to generate standardized primitive cells and generate band structure paths. Therefore, SeeK-Path libraries must be installed using “pip install seekpath”, prior to running scripts in this example. In this example, input file script “” is identical to “” in Lab5 of the QMCPACK manual.

We use neutral primitive cells at the wavefunction generation. However, creation / annihilation operations are applied at VMC level to simulate optical excitations. Compared to the ground state bulk calculations, a tiling matrix that is commensurate with the wavevectors involved in the excitation must be chosen. This process has been automatized in Nexus using the “get_band_tiling” function. There are two VMC scripts in this lab that generate the tiling matrix in different ways: script uses a non-optimal tiling matrix from Lab 5 in QMCPACK, whereas uses the “get_band_tiling” function. In this example, we will use Note, there is also an additional VMC script included which does not use a tiling matrix but includes a variety of ways that excitations can be specified with Nexus.

In Lab 5 of the QMCPACK manual we found that VBM is located at \(\Gamma\) and the CBM is located at \(\Delta\) ([0.377, 0., 0.377]), hence C-diamond is an indirect band gap material. However, studying this transition at the given exact points would involve a very large simulation cell. Therefore, we try to round \(\Delta\) to the nearest fraction with integer denominator. Tolerance of this rounding procedure is controlled by “max_volfac” keyword in the “get_band_tiling” function. “max_volfac” basically controls the maximum volume factor of the supercell being searched, which inherently controls the highest k-point grid density in one dimension.

In the “qmc” object given below, pay attention to keyword “excitation = [’up’, ’0 3 1 4’]”. Value for the excitation keyword can be given in list or tuple format. Here, first element of the list (’up’) denotes the spin channel used to perform the excitation. Whereas ’0 3 1 4’ denotes the twist-index (ti) and band-index (bi) of annihilation and creation (an/cr) operations in \(ti_{an} bi_{an} ti_{cr} bi_{cr}\) format. Another option is to use an indexing of the orbitals depending on their energetic ordering. In this example this would correspond to “excitation = [’up’, ’-11 +12’]”. Band/twist index and energy indexes of the orbitals can be found in “einspline” files or they can be determined after parsing the “nscf.out” file using PwscfAnalyzer. In addition to these options, “excitation = [‘up’,’lowest’]” can also be specified which will execute a homo-lumo excitation based on the energetic ordering of the orbitals. Nexus also allows singlet and triplet excitation types. Please refer to for examples using the various excitation types. Examples are also provided in Lab 5 of the QMCPACK manual.
#! /usr/bin/env python3

from nexus import settings,job,run_project
from nexus import generate_physical_system
from nexus import generate_pwscf
from nexus import generate_pw2qmcpack
from nexus import generate_qmcpack,vmc
from structure import *

    pseudo_dir    = '../pseudopotentials',
    status_only   = 0,
    generate_only = 0,
    sleep         = 3,
    machine       = 'ws16'

#Input structure
dia = generate_physical_system(
    units  = 'A',
    axes   = [[ 1.785,  1.785,  0.   ],
              [ 0.   ,  1.785,  1.785],
              [ 1.785,  0.   ,  1.785]],
    elem   = ['C','C'],
    pos    = [[ 0.    ,  0.    ,  0.    ],
              [ 0.8925,  0.8925,  0.8925]],
    C      = 4

# Standardized Primitive cell -- run rest of the calculations on this cell
dia2_structure   = get_primitive_cell(structure=dia.structure)['structure']
# get_band_tiling and get_primitiev_cell require "SeeK-path" python libraries

# Returns commensurate optimum tiling matrix for the kpoints_rel wavevectors
# max_volfac is default to 20
tiling = get_band_tiling(structure   = dia2_structure,
                         kpoints_rel = [[0.000, 0.000, 0.000],
                                        [0.3768116, 0.,        0.3768116]])
# Numerical value for the second wavevector can be different in different computers,
# adjust accordingly

# All wavevectors must be on the iBZ k_path! (get_kpath output in

# K-points can also be defined using their labels
# (for high symmetry k-points only). For example:
# tiling = get_band_tiling(structure   = dia2_structure,
#                         kpoints_label = ['GAMMA', 'X'])

dia2 = generate_physical_system(
    structure    = dia2_structure,
    kgrid  = (1,1,1),
    kshift = (0,0,0), # Assumes we study transitions from Gamma.
    #For non-gamma tilings, use kshift appropriately
    tiling = tiling,
    C            = 4,

scf = generate_pwscf(
    identifier   = 'scf',
    path         = 'diamond/scf',
    job          = job(nodes=1, app='pw.x',hours=1),
    input_type   = 'generic',
    calculation  = 'scf',
    nspin        = 2,
    input_dft    = 'lda',
    ecutwfc      = 200,
    conv_thr     = 1e-8,
    nosym        = True,
    wf_collect   = True,
    system       = dia2,
    tot_magnetization = 0,
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],

nscf = generate_pwscf(
    identifier   = 'nscf',
    path         ='diamond/nscf_opt_tiling',
    job          = job(nodes=1, app='pw.x',hours=1),
    input_type   = 'generic',
    calculation  = 'nscf',
    input_dft    = 'lda',
    ecutwfc      = 200,
    nspin        = 2,
    conv_thr     = 1e-8,
    nosym        = True,
    wf_collect   = True,
    system       = dia2,
    nbnd         = 8,      #a sensible nbnd value can be given
    verbosity    = 'high', #verbosity must be set to high
    pseudos      = ['C.BFD.upf'],
    dependencies = (scf, 'charge_density'),

conv = generate_pw2qmcpack(
    identifier   = 'conv',
    path         = 'diamond/nscf_opt_tiling',
    job          = job(cores=1,app='pw2qmcpack.x',hours=1),
    write_psir   = False,
    dependencies = (nscf,'orbitals'),

qmc = generate_qmcpack(
    det_format     = 'old',
    identifier     = 'vmc',
    path           = 'diamond/vmc_opt_tiling',
    job            = job(cores=16,threads=16,app='qmcpack',hours = 1),
    input_type     = 'basic',
    spin_polarized = True,
    system         = dia2,
    pseudos        = ['C.BFD.xml'],
    jastrows       = [],
    calculations   = [
            walkers     =  16,
            warmupsteps =  20,
            blocks      = 1000,
            steps       =  10,
            substeps    =   2,
            timestep    =  .4
    dependencies = (conv,'orbitals'),

qmc_optical = generate_qmcpack(
    det_format     = 'old',
    identifier     = 'vmc',
    path           = 'diamond/vmc_opt_tiling_optical',
    job            = job(cores=16,threads=16,app='qmcpack',hours = 1),
    input_type     = 'basic',
    spin_polarized = True,
    system         = dia2,
    excitation     = ['up', '0 3 1 4'], #
    pseudos        = ['C.BFD.xml'],
    jastrows       = [],
    calculations   = [
            walkers     =  16,
            warmupsteps =  20,
            blocks      = 1000,
            steps       =  10,
            substeps    =   2,
            timestep    =  .4
    dependencies = (conv,'orbitals'),
